April A to Z Day 1: Audience


When I sit down to begin a piece of writing, I ask myself two questions:

  1. To whom am I speaking? (Who is my audience?)
  2. What am I trying to accomplish? (What is my purpose?)

These questions are equally important. Sometimes I begin with one; sometimes with the other. I don’t consider step one of my writing process complete until I know the answer to both. Now let’s focus on the question of audience for a moment.

You need to know your audience because every piece of writing is an appeal. When you publish, you invite people to interact with you, even if indirectly. Every rhetorical decision should be taken with this in mind.

Click for A-Z blog list

Click for A-Z blog list

You don’t speak to academics the same way you talk to hobbyists. You don’t speak to adolescents the same way you talk to 50-year-olds. Not if you want to be successful.

Audience is especially important to blogs. I write this one, edit a secondcontribute to a third.

I don’t view my audience as a single group. It’s segmented. Some people read everything we write, but most don’t. Some follow us for the comics; some for the writing-related things I post here; some for our work on equality, etc.

I rarely even try to speak to my entire audience at once. Every detail of every post, from basic structure right down to things like word choice and standards of evidence, is informed by the segment of the audience I am communicating with.

I have a rule of thumb. No idea whether I made it up or co-opted it and forgot the source:

If you try and speak to everyone, you end up speaking to no one.

image: National Archives UK, via Wikimedia Commons.

38 thoughts on “April A to Z Day 1: Audience

    • Yeah. I feel like I must have stolen that line from someone. I started with audience because I wanted to begin with step 1 of my process. Not necessarily going to blog through my whole writing process, but it seemed a good place to begin.


  1. I’m not sure I totally agree with your perspective but I agree if you’re all about getting published the best way to go about it is to tailor your work to a specific group. Cheers 🙂


    • Thanks very much for stopping by and taking the time to read. I’d certainly be up for hearing a friendly critique or your own perspective on audience. I believe every writer has to find his or her own way, and when I see someone going about it much differently than me, it interests me greatly.


  2. I think this actually an area of my writing where I am probably weak. I’ve done a lot of my fiction writing more in a vacuum, not necessarily sharing it with others… or else, feeling defensive in creative writing classes. Because I wasn’t writing for my audience then.

    But having an audience is a phenomenal feeling… I remember, in those self-same creative writing classes, having a couple of friends read my stuff over first (over pie and coffee, which always helps). The feedback from them was worth it.

    I would say with blogging, it’s ended up much the same. Holly and I started without necessarily having an audience in mind… though somewhat. However, as one has grown, the knowledge that they are there helps fuel the writing.

    Great start to the challenge!


    • I’m right there with you on the fiction, and it’s no coincidence that fiction is my weakest type of writing. I’ve had personal feedback from hundreds, if not 1,000 people on various forms of non-fiction and tech writing over the years. If I had to guess how many people have ever read a piece of my fiction, I’d say about a dozen.

      This is one of the things that I see missing from a lot of discussions of writing – not so much considering the audience when you start, but getting the feedback and using it to improve.

      We started with a tiny audience, so we were lucky in that regard, and we made a lot of our early decisions based the sorts of conversations were having offline with people who knew we had this in the works. And I agree about the feeling once you actually gain an audience. Knowing they’re there – real people reading what we write – is one of the reasons you so rarely see our blogs go a day without posting something, even if it’s just a video.


    • Thanks! I didn’t talk to much about connecting here, but that is definitely a big component. Finding ways to really engage with people and form genuine friendships is my top priority, especially with this blog.


    • Thank you! Our state senate passed the bill while I was doing A to Z stuff.

      We will have anger tomorrow at both Sourcerer and Part Time Monster.

      Several of us came out of the district that’s represented by one of the architects of the bill and know him. We are speaking to him personally. (I know I’m in danger of derailing my own thread, but hehe, my blog, my rules, and one of the functions of this blog is to be an actual channel for communication ).


  3. A really great point and one that I think many people forget, or don’t even consider in the first instance.

    I dropped by from the A to Z, but I’m now following your blog!

    Have a great month.


  4. Audience? I don’t really think about that too much when I’m writing. This might be because I mostly write YA-ish things. Though this post has me thinking I should take more care to consider such things.


    • Yeah, lots of people don’t think about it at all, and some are even successful without thinking about it.

      But I’m kind of into rhetoric, and I find it helpful to think about who I’m communicating with.


  5. Pingback: Posts I loved this week | Taylor Grace

  6. Pingback: Posts I loved this week | Taylor Grace

  7. Pingback: A to Z Day 10: Jargon | The Writing Catalog

  8. Pingback: A to Z Day 19: Social | The Writing Catalog

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  11. Pingback: Things I know now that I didn’t know on April 1: An A to Z Reflection | The Writing Catalog

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