To #1000Speak: About Those Hashtags I Mentioned

Freely Shareable Image by Katie Paul

Freely Shareable Image by Katie Paul

I don’t know when I became a link-sharing ninja, but apparently I have. 😉 When I sat down to write that little promotional post night-before-last, I’d just become the 90th member of 1,000 Voices for Compassion. As I write this, the group is closing in on 500 and advice I gave a few friends on my timeline is getting attention from the group, which I do not mind one little bit. 😀

I’m not responsible for the growth. The idea has just got legs, and now I am trying to get ahead of it. So. About the hashtags I mentioned. They are all open and friendly to bloggers, but if you plan to use them, please read this before you do. I retweet tons of links for bloggers from them, and have lots of friends who use them.Featured Image -- 3218

#WeekendCoffeeShare is the hashtag for Part Time Monster‘s weekend coffee linkup. That is my sister Diana’s blog. It’s 100% her project, but I am a co-founding collaborator. The linkup is for “If We Were Having Coffee” type posts only, but I’m mentioning #1000Speak in my coffee post this weekend. If you aren’t familiar with that type of post you can find 29 examples on the linky list from last weekend, and if you ever want to do one, feel free to join us.

#SundayBlogShare is Suzie81‘s project. I’m just a supporter and a regular, but I spend a LOT of time with it on most Sundays. Suzie has rules. The big one is tweet links to blog posts only — no videos, stand-alone photos, marketing spam, etc. The blog posts can be published any time and about anything at all, so you don’t have to publish on Sunday to use it. That’s just when you share the links to it.

#MondayBlogs belongs to a @MondayBlogs. They retweet links for bloggers on Mondays only, and lots of bloggers retweet from this hashtag. The only rules I have ever seen there are blog posts only, and no book promotion. Posts can be published at any time and about anything at all, so you don’t have to publish on Monday to use it. Monday Blogs was started in 2012 by @RachelInTheOC. You can find her blog here.

The Weekend Blog Hop is run by Single Mother Ahoy. It is for homepage links only, so whatever you have at the top of your page is what people will see when they visit for the hop. You’ll need to visit at least the two blogs ahead of you on the list if you join in this one. There’s also a #WeekendBlogHop hashtag and @WeekendBlogHop

I think that’s all. Not many working people can do all of the stuff I’ve mentioned here. But all of them are around every week. Any one of them can be helpful for meeting people and sharing your blog, as long as you know how to use them in a way that’s productive. For that, you need the rules for them. So here they are, at least as I understand them.


22 thoughts on “To #1000Speak: About Those Hashtags I Mentioned

  1. Thanks so much as always for your kind words and promotion of #SundayBlogShare! Loved the coffee link up last week too!

    #MondayBlogs was created by @RachelInTheOC in 2012 – check her out she’s amazing!

    I love all of these link ups… It’s been such a great way to meet new people!


    • Yes, it is fantastic! I was in a hurry with this because I said some things for a small audience last night, then woke up this morning to find that hundreds of people might see that stuff. So, a bit of a clarification. I’ll add links to Rachel after work today 🙂


  2. Pingback: Compassion #1000Speak Challenge | Down Home Thoughts

  3. Thanks so much writing this for clarification! Very useful information.
    And apologies for inadvertently being part of the chain that created that chaos for you.


  4. Great post Gene’O – I’m not sure if you already know, addition to #weekendbloghop Vicky also runs #ArchiveDay on Saturdays – the idea is to share posts from your own blog archives, and then read&Rt others – Thanks for putting all the hashtag information together like this, helpful !

    Take care, Kimmie x


    • Hey Kimmie! Thanks! I know about #ArchiveDay and RT from it sometimes, but my weekends are usually just wrong to be tweeting my own links on Saturdays. Didn’t mention it when I gave the original advice nor include it in the post because it doesn’t seem a good fit for a project that just started on Tuesday, and I don’t really know Vicky, so being careful with her hashtag. At some point I will revise this into a better piece, add #ArchiveDay, and call it “Five weekly social opportunities for bloggers.”


  5. Pingback: If We Were Having Coffee . . . (#1000Speak Edition) | Just Gene'O

  6. I’ve come to know some amazing blogs through #Mondayblogs -Paula Reed Nancarrow, #SundayBlogs -suzie81speaks, you, mentally me, lorischafer, Norm, d.parker- these are my regulars I look for to make sure I read on Sunday which normally I wouldn’t but the hashtags made me discover you guys. And I really enjoy any #weekendcoffeeshare posts I stumble on. Well! All I wanted to write was thanks for writing about #1000speak- I wouldn’t have seen it normally and would have missed being a part of it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am so glad you discovered me then. And I am familiar with every one of those bloggers and have chatted with them all at least a little except Lori. So, it seems i need to look both you, and her up 🙂

      Thanks for letting me know you found #1000Speak through me. This is why I wrote about it so much this week. Just never know who is going to see one post and discover something.

      I did a similar thing with #SundayBlogShare when Suzie first started it. I am good at the week-long promotion 😀

      If you don’t realize yet, @Sourcererblog on Twitter is me. I’ll check out your blog a in a bit and make sure I am following you on whatever social media you have connected to it.

      Thanks for stopping by!


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