One More Word on 1,000 Voices Speaking for Compassion

If you want to see 1,000 Bloggers writing about compassion on Feb. 20 and you have written something about it since this all started last week. And if you have a Twitter account. You need to tweet the link to your post to #MondayBlogs and you need to do it today.1000Voices_Official

This will take you only a couple of minutes. Just use your own sharing button, edit the tweet to include the hashtag, and send it. Even better if you retweet a little from that hashtag too.

@MondayBlogs retweets for bloggers every Monday. That is all they do. Blog posts only, no book promotions. Those are their only rules. I retweet for them nine weeks out of ten. When I send links to them, I always get multiple retweets. Even if Monday Blogs doesn’t get to them, other bloggers retweet my links. Every week. This is a huge, well-established event. Don’t pass up the chance to get your post out there this week.

I will be off from work tomorrow. So able to send them a link or two and do some retweeting. I’ll be scanning that hashtag tomorrow and looking for your posts. If you send them, I will find as many as I can and retweet them along with some other links for bloggers.

I have put a lot of time into not only sharing this with my friends, but working to build awareness of #1000Speak on Twitter. I retweeted links for bloggers all weekend long and mixed #1000Speak links in with them. I started with #ArchiveDay at 9 am GMT on Saturday, and tweeted through #WeekendCoffeeShare until I ran completely out of #1000Speak links to mix in.

Suzie's graphic. Just assuming it's ok to use since I'm promoting here ;-)

Suzie’s graphic. Just assuming it’s ok to use since I’m promoting here 😉

Then I went to the group and to my friends saturday night, asked them to reload the hashtag with links, and did it again for several hours on Sunday. We caught a wave. We got a lot of #1000Speak links into the busiest #SundayBlogShare so far, and a lot of my friends showed up to help me. Once I ran out of links to retweet today, I shared a bunch of things from the pinned tweets in the group so people will have retweets to start the week. It was epic.

The one thing I cannot do tomorrow is send a bunch of #1000Speak links to Monday Blogs myself. Two or three is my limit. I usually send only one and retweet several.

My full-on promotion of this is over because it’s done all it can do and I am out of time for it. My network isn’t that big and my friends and readers have been thoroughly informed. I’m still going to be active though. I will write a post for it and keep supporting it on the other social media, but Sourcerer is cranking up for a run of pop culture blogging for the ages, and I need this blog to support the Weekend Coffee share and our Feminist Friday project.

We’re at the point where I step back, let it run, and promote it when I think promotion will do some good. What I will do, if I can find enough interested people to feel as though I is worth my time and effort, is help you work Twitter. What I need for that is to hook up with some bloggers who are engaged on Twitter and who interact with a lot of bloggers there. If you know anyone who fits that bill, do send them my way.

A special thanks to you, #WeekendCoffeeShare bloggers. I hope a few folks who are catching up from the weekend will scroll through the #1000Speak hashtag, or else browse this week’s linky list, and look at just many of you talked about this in your coffee posts.

Featured Image -- 3218This got on a lot of blogs and was shared with a lot of bloggers on Twitter this weekend because of you. Thanks for showing up. I don’t ask for things like that lightly and I won’t forget. You bloggers rock.

14 thoughts on “One More Word on 1,000 Voices Speaking for Compassion

    • Feel free to ask me questions. Most of what I know about this stuff, I learned from other bloggers. I am a big believer in paying it forward. Also. @Sourcererblog is me on Twitter, just in case you get to wondering who that was that shared your post to #1000Speak and followed you right after you left this comment 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    • Tweet to #1000Speak any time, as long as whatever you are sending is relevant.

      Only tweet to #MondayBlogs on Monday, because that’s when bloggers retweet from that hashtag. And only use #SundayBlogShare on Sundays for the same reason.

      But #1000Speak is a 24/7 sort of thing. Use that one any time.


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