If We Were Having Coffee . . . (Empathy Edition)

If we were having coffee, I would tell you I’m finally feeling better after all the sickness. I had a great Thanksgiving holiday with the family, and I am starting to get my social media back on track. School will be out for Christmas in a couple of weeks, and I’m looking forward to getting a lot of writing done over the break for what will hopefully be an awesome run of blogging next year.

And I would tell you about a conversation I had with my grandson recently. He opened a fund-raising letter from a children’s hospital because it was in holiday envelope and he thought it might be a Christmas card.

Grandson (he’s only six): It says here we can give them

some money to help sick kids feel better.

Me (looking at the letter): Did you just read all that?

Grandson: No, but look at the picture. And the dollar thingies at the bottom. We should give them some money.

Me: Well, it says we can send them $15. What if you give them five of yours, I give them five of mine, and your Grandma gives them five of hers? That will make $15.

Grandson: Yes. Let’s do that.

Me (totally testing to see what kind of response I get): You know it’s almost Christmas, and that will be 15 less dollars we have to spend for Christmas.

Grandson (looks at me as though I am a creepy space alien who has suddenly replaced his grandfather): You KNOW helping sick kids feel better is way more important than Christmas.

I was so proud of that reaction I got a little misty-eyed over it. I’m sure I am making tons of grandparenting mistakes with the little fella, but I think I’m ok in the teaching-of-empathy department.

Getty stock image.

Getty stock image.

I would tell you, speaking of empathy, that I’m very dismayed by the goings-on in Ferguson and by some things I’ve seen coming out of Cleveland this week. And the more I read about it all, the more hopeless and powerless I feel to do anything about it. American society is just too violent for me, there’s too much inequality, and the legal system doesn’t work well enough. I know it will never be perfect and it’s silly to expect that, but still. It could be a lot better. I appreciate the kindness and support of all you bloggers who took the time to comment on my #Ferguson post this week.

And I would remind you that if you’re looking for ways to meet bloggers, #ArchiveDay is going on on Twitter right now. Share a link to an old post, visit one or two you like, retweet things you find interesting, and use the activity to meet bloggers, is how that works. There’s also a Weekend Blog Hop at Single Mother Ahoy! I did the hop last week and met a couple of nice bloggers.

I’d tell you, too, that I am guest hosting #SundayBlogShare on Twitter tomorrow and I’m thrilled to do it, but a little nervous about it. I’ve moderated threads before, and I know all I have to do is be generous with retweets, talk to folks, and send out a few promotional tweets. Even so, I’ve never hosted anything as big as #SundayBlogShare and I don’t want to screw it up. You can find the rules for the #SundayBlogShare hashtag and a link to creator Suzie81’s blog here, and you are welcome to join in if you are so inclined.

Then I would ask how things are going for you, and what your plans are for the holidays.

25 thoughts on “If We Were Having Coffee . . . (Empathy Edition)

    • YVW! I’m not going to make your Twitter account explode or anything, but if you check who follows you and follow back the bloggers you like over the next few weeks, I’ll introduce you to the Tweeps! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I just got misty-eyed reading that about your grandson. Y’all have done good 🙂

    I realized that when I go back to work on Monday, it is only (or “only”) three weeks until Winter Break. Surely I can get through that, right?

    See you tomorrow for BlogShare 🙂 I feel like I am missing a lot of blogs when I do that so I am trying to come up with a “reasonable to me” plan for sharing my stuff, sharing others’ posts and reading them too. Wish me luck LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    • Luck! I am missing blogs all the time. If you come up with something useful, I would love, love, love to compare notes. And I know what you mean about the grandson. This is one of those rare posts that I wrote with tears in my eyes. It felt sooo good!


  2. What a wonderful little grandson you have there. You must be so so proud of him. He’s adorable!

    And as for American society – notice I had to leave a space between the last topic and this new one – it’s no more violent than many others. I think it’s society today. Remember the UK riots last year when they burned buildings down? A smaller scale but it spread across cities and we are a smaller country. There are also many of us who are peaceful and helpful and kind. After our riots stopped we saw the kindness. The people came out in droves to clean up. Social media helped coordinate the clean up. I hope you see the same.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I would have to do some research to be sure, but I have the impression that us Americans shoot one another at a more prodigious rate than most other Anglo-American cultures.

      I could totally be wrong, and thank you very much for your help figuring out what I don’t know. Seriously. Figuring out what you don’t know is the hardest part of the intellectual work.


      • I’ve looked up the statistics per capita. You are correct. It’s also correct for any type of murder per capita. I would also hope you see the equal level of kindness per capita. I’m sorry your country is going through this right now.


  3. Gene!!!! I’m glad I found you on bloppys! I love this post and heavens you should be proud of that boy!! He gives me hope for the future. You’ll do great tomorrow and I’ll try to remember to stop by!


  4. Hi Gene,
    I’m a bit late for coffee but if you’re anything like me, coffee is a daily experience or necessity,, not a once off. I love the story of your grandson. My daughter, who is 8, said the other day that if she had lots of money, she’d give it to muscular dystrophy assoc who help me and also to Rotary who help raise money for her scout troop.
    She was hilarious today and I wish I’d stopped and spent more time with her but seemed to have so many things to sort out. She got herself all dressed up as an office worker wearing a collared polo shirt with a denim mini skirt and initially a rather flamboyant pair of my red wedge heels (I can’t wear heels) and then she switched to this funky pair of silver/diamonte high heels. We were working for NRMA INsurance taking calls. She tells me that I need to copy the details of the call she’d taken so we had a backup copy. I work in marketing and my husband is in IT and also being lazy and allergic to paperwork, I suggest we have a computer database. She says this business doesn’t have any computers. I asked her how long she thought they were going to stay in business without a computer? She told me how much she loved going into the office. By the way, you would have loved our office phone. My husband picked up a red diamonte retro stylIe handset for a few dollars. Its supposed to plug into my mobile but it didn’t work so now it looks like she’s acquired it.
    The other thing she said which was quite priceless was when she was demonstrating people on the phone at the office and she says to me and you know how they go “blah blah blah!!” I knew my husband couldn’t agree more.
    I’ll have to see if she’ll do it again tomorrow. I’m usually chasing her with the camera but I’ve been trying to get everything in order for school to go back next week and it’s not coming together yet. I’ve never been very good at getting all my ducks lined up.
    xx Rowena


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