Weekend Coffee Share: Welcome, Newcomers!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you I don’t have a whole lot of time to talk. I am on my way to NOLA (that’s how we say “New Orleans” on the internet) for Little Jedi’s birthday. If you don’t know who Little Jedi is, he is Diana’s youngling. My grandson is a year older, and he is also a Jedi, but since internet handles must be unique, we just call mine The Kid.


These two have their birthdays in the same month. One at the beginning, one at the end. And they always celebrate at least one or the other in company with one another.

I’d tell you I was so pleased the Weekend Coffee Share was featured on the WordPress Daily post this week. It generated so much interest I had to stay up way too late answering comments on the thread. Also: Sharing the link all over Facebook and writing this post.

And I’d tell you I have plans. I’ve got a post coming on children and gaming at Comparative Geeks as soon as I can finish it. Another one on cultural literacy outlined for Part Time Monster. You’ll just have to wonder about until I get it figured out.

Oh yeah. Me and Hannah are still scheming big-time. And eventually, when things settle down, the Feminist Friday Project is coming back. So lots to look forward to as we get later in the year.

Here, and on Facebook if you pay attention to me there, you can expect the political chatter to get hot again soon. I’ve taken a break to let things settle and do other stuff this week, but I haven’t forgotten the politics. Wisconsin votes Tuesday.mlk_justice

I’m gonna rip the Mississippi Legislature a new one soon over a boneheaded “religious freedom” bill which will accomplish nothing except cost our state millions of dollars in federal court.

I am not done with Donald Trump, either. I’m just getting started on him.

You coffee share regulars need to be mindful of new faces on the scene for the next couple of weeks and welcome them. I did my best on that Daily Post thread to give everyone who expressed interest a personal response and encourage them to join in. Me and Diana can’t hover over the linkup this weekend, because we’re both out doing the same thing with the same kids.

So take a minute to encourage a blogger you’ve never met, if they happen to pop up on the linky list or on the hashtag.

Have a fabulous weekend, and a piece of NOLA history.

Some Things . . . Mostly Feminist Things


We’re doing our Feminist Friday thing at Infinite Free Time this week, and I’ll wrap up the summer run here a week from Friday. And speaking of feminism . . .

Comparative Geeks turned me on to this video yesterday. It’s part one of six, and as a person who engages regularly in some feminist chatter on the internet, I find it fascinating. It’s so good I watched the whole series, and too good not to share. I may have things to say about it at some point. I’m pondering.

Also. If you happen to remember the Manic Pixie Dream Girl discussion we had in February at Victim to Charm — the one that inspired a four-part series on trolling behavior from me. Well. That post has been getting some attention lately. You should bop over there and take a look at the sharing counts on the Facebook and Twitter buttons in the post footer. And give it a read while you’re there 😉

Other news:

I’m moving forward with doubling down on Sourcerer and bringing this blog in for a somewhat graceful landing. My #WeekendCoffeeShare post will run over there this weekend, probably on Sunday, and I’m getting a real domain for that blog just as soon as I can afford it.

In the next week or two, I’ll tweak the About Page here to ensure full disclosure and change the tagline. From that point forward, this blog will be about building a resume for social commentary until I can start figuring out how to place posts on larger sites with audiences for that stuff or build a better site to host my personal commentary. Once we get through the Feminist Friday wrap-up, posting here will be extremely sporadic for a few weeks, because I’ve got higher-priority things that need doing.Feminism_free

I’ve unpublished the Just Gene’O Facebook page because it wasn’t getting me anything even when I was updating it, and I don’t want an inactive public page attached to my name.

I doubt I’ll ever bring it back. I regard the Facebook page experiment as a failure and not worth putting more time into. From where I’m sitting, the value of Facebook is all in my personal timeline and a handful of groups at this point. But of course, the Sourcerer page will continue to host publicized links, and I’m still up for helping friends build their page followings when the opportunities present themselves.

Happy hump day!

Social Media Sunday: Twitter, Facebook, et al.


I’m doing a double-feature today. I’ve got another one of these over at Sourcerer which explains what I’m doing with Twitter for the next couple of weeks. Basically, I am standing the Twitter accounts back up and getting them right before I do anything else other than blog. This one will clue you in somewhat on the bigger picture.

Image via Suzie81's Blog, 2014.

Image via Suzie81

At most, I’m posting two scheduled status updates a day on Facebook because that’s all I have time for. These are mostly short text updates because scheduled link-sharing doesn’t work over there unless you schedule a public share to one place (a page, say) and then share it from the page internally (and manually) to timelines and groups.

For now, my Just Gene’O page is inactive and the Sourcerer page is doing what it’s always done — provide a landing space for publicized links. The blogs are all connected to @Sourcererblog, which is also tweeting on a schedule. The next thing is to get @justgeneo tweeting on a schedule and get those accounts to the point where they’re low-maintenance, growing accounts. Then we talk about the Facebook group and StumbleUpon.

This, the blogging, and the answering of my threads. are likely all I’m going to have time to do on the Internet for most of the summer. I’m driven at this point, people. We shall break the Internets.