Weekend Coffee Share: A to Z Eve Edition

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you my grandson got his standardized test results back this week, and he did super-good in math. Better, in fact, than I ever did with math in school. He’s also moved up two reading levels in the last few weeks. I am so proud 🙂

Getty stock image.

Getty stock image.

And I I’d tell you it’s been a busy week at work, and an equally busy week in the blogosphere. I’ve spent most of my time this week in the WordPress dashboard finalizing Sourcerer’s posts for the Blogging A to Z in April Challenge. I’ve done well.

We’ve got 16 of our A to Z posts finalized – we only lack two posts to be completely scheduled for the first two weeks. I have also managed to load a Sunday morning Weekend Music feature for every week in April and get started on the Tuesday and Wednesday photo features. That hasn’t left a lot of time to do anything else except answer my own threads.

Speaking of answering my own threads . . .

Thanks to everyone who commented on my coffee post last week. I wasn’t able to get back to that thread in good time, so I finally just posted a final comment there and liked everything. I appreciate the support, truly, and I will not often allow a thread that good to slip through the cracks unanswered.

I’d tell you I did my first ever blogger interview this week. Chouett.com was kind enough to interview me and feature Sourcerer on the sidebar for the week. That was a lot of fun, and I appreciate the opportunity. (Give Chouett a look!)

And, just to be sure there’s no post-April lull in my blogging life, I’ve signed up for the Beach Party Blogathon in June. It’s sponsored by the awesome film blogs Speakeasy and Silver Screenings. I’ve been following their blogathons and wanting to join in for awhile. I’ll be writing about Captain Blood for this event, and my post will run at Sourcerer.

Featured Image -- 3218I’d tell you, too, that 1000 Voices Speaking for Compassion is going monthly. The next linkup day is April 20. The topic is “Nurturing.”

I’ve not had much time to keep up with the group this week, but I am still checking in as I have time and trying to help them build a Twitter following. I’m still planning to keep hosting the linkups, whether I am able to write a post for 1000 Speak or not; the linkup post on April 20 will likely be the only post other than these coffee posts I publish here next month.

And that’s about all I’d have to say, because April is almost here, and I still have a lot to get squared away before Wednesday. Now I’m away to have coffee with an online friend I’ve known for a year, and have never met offline until today, then spending a big part of the afternoon out with the grandson, so I won’t be around much today.

Happy weekend, and keep blogging!

14 thoughts on “Weekend Coffee Share: A to Z Eve Edition

    • Yes, and he’s quite the impressive child. I know I am biased, but, have known many, many children in my life. There’s always been a couple of them running around. He’s got that certain something.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Great news for your grandson’s scores! Seeing our grandchildren do well is such a thrill!
    You’re so busy with all the posting and things you do online…it amazes me! 🙂


    • I thought so. Was worried about the reading for a bit. He seems to have turned the corner on that one.

      Mostly, I’m just doing the next thing on the list with the online stuff.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. How you keep up with it all, I don’t know! XD Glad to hear you’ve gotten most of your posts up for the first two weeks, too. I know you were feeling pinched for it. 🙂 Congrats!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, I am glad, too. It’s been hectic. I think I’m carving out an afternoon a month starting in May and writing two A to Z posts every month for the next ten months. That puts me four away from being done by February, and I can either shop those around or just have A to Z done for one of our blogs. We’re in good shape at this point, though. Very good shape. There’s no way we can miss five days because we don’t have a five-day stretch with no posts scheduled. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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