If We Were Having Coffee . . . (Christmastime Edition)

If we were having coffee, I would share two Christmas memories with you.

The first is from the 70s. There were these Coca-Cola commercials when I was a little kid I found inspiring. I am not sure they were effective advertisements, though. I do not drink Coca-cola and I discourage children from drinking it.

But I want to teach the world to sing. It’s the only thing I have truly wanted out of life since I was was six years old.

The second memory is about family. Diana and I were born so far apart we landed in different generations. I am a Gen-Xer. She is . . . younger.

Diana made her debut on the great stage of humanity at the perfect moment. I was still living at home, but was at the age to not feel threatened or compete with a new sibling, and in a mood to take a part in caring for a teeny bundle of joy.

We hit it off before she could even talk. We have a brother who does not partake in our social media antics, and he landed between us in the birth order. When we were kids we loved to annoy him, especially with rhyming games that could go on for hours and with terribly off-key duets of popular songs. We worked it like a job.

This was our go-to Christmastime duet. And we didn’t just sing it to annoy our brother as a way of saying we loved him. There was joy in the singing of the song. We paid attention to the words. And we missed John Lennon, who we never really knew because he exited the stage when one of us was a little kid and the other hadn’t even been born yet.

Sadly, I cannot find a live performance.

This is Christmas.

If we were having coffee, I wouldn’t say one thing about the social media, unless you were a blogger. But if you were, I’d say I have a little something for you. It’s not much, but I hope you enjoy it and I took extra time with the wrapping.

Happy Holidays.



21 thoughts on “If We Were Having Coffee . . . (Christmastime Edition)

  1. I don’t drink much soda either but I always got a good feeling with that ad and that song. I also liked the norelco razor that doubled as a sled. Do you remember that? Thank you for the extra link. I’ll enjoy going through those blogs and seeing what’s new that I’ve missed. Merry Christmas and may you have a great new year.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. If we were having coffee (I mean I’d have tea!) I’d probably be talking about my new cat, Kenzi and how I am so blessed to have her and that she arrived in time for Christmas to be all around the tree and the decoration and that I can’t wait to see her make a mess of the gift wrapping papers on Christmas Eve. I’d be rambling about Christmas a lot and how I love the season and the good spirit. 🙂

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  3. Pingback: Coffee break | Gelatinous

  4. I loved it! 🙂 I loved that song too, still do, always will. I’ve been a little weepy all season, maybe even all year. 2014 has been an amazing year and I’m ready and anxious to see what 2015 has in store. Thank You for that ‘sneak peak’ and Happy Holidays! to you and your family, your extended families, your blogosphere friends and family, and etc. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. 🙂 This made me happy.

    And it’s so funny that you mentioned the Lennon song. Sam and I were talking about that song on the way to Mom and Dad’s this weekend because I was singing it oh-so-loudly in the car.

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  6. Pingback: If We Were Having Coffee | 20/20 Hines Sight

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