Open Thread: How did you find this blog?

In a few hours I have to go back to the day job.

It does not leave a lot of time for writing. Or commenting. What I can do is use the phone to pay attention to what is happening. See how you peeps are interacting. Do some Facebook sharing without comment. Retweet you. (I have the retweeting down, and most of you on lists, so, retweeting you on my breaks all week long.)

Arrr, Mateys!

Arrr, Mateys!

This is a thread for you to chatter on. You can say whatever you like. Ask me questions, drop links you hope I will read. Tell me I am full of myself. Just whatever.

Hell. Pretend I am not even here and talk to one another for once!

But if you need a prompt, here is your prompt.

How did you find this blog?

I’ll be here all week. But not really. Checking the thread, though. Comments will be answered!

I am not even tagging this. Because I think enough people are paying attention to this blog now that I do not need tags.

Let’s just see, shall we?

63 thoughts on “Open Thread: How did you find this blog?

  1. Ultimately, I found you through the A to Z challenge last year.

    I am having to cut back on blogging quite a bit right now. I hate it, but my job is about to become my life again this week.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Yeah. I am kinda there with the job myself. Luckily, the contributor thing is rolling for me. Otherwise, I’d be posting music videos and doing a real post once a week for the next little while.

      I think I found you first on Twitter, but can’t swear to that. I do remember the A to Z thing, though. Linked to you on that disastrous page I built last year so I could visit you during April and hopefully make friends. Seems to have worked 😀


  2. I found this blog when I googled “when we were having coffee” and shortly after you found me so the rest is history as they say.

    I blog a lot from my phone, at all oportune times. But, alas I got a hecktic day job … Which does not leave much room for blogging. Cool idea to try and get us to do all the talking… 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thanks so much, Serins, for not only engaging on this thread, but for also tagging this to my Facebook timeline so I could let it through whenever I felt like it.

      Just getting in, and stuff to do before I can give this thread proper attention, but I just have to tell you that you made my day!

      Liked by 1 person

    • That is just such an awesome story! Not sure when or where I first saw you — recognized your gravatar during the Facebook crazieness a couple of months ago, and when you started chattering with me, I started paying attention 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You know it is quite dangerous to give this here blond an open thread! I’ll totally misuse the opportunity!

    I suggest we all try to convince Gene’O to get a feature on Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Sorcerer . Who is with me? There happens to be loads of graphic novels…

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I stumbled across one of your blogs through Zero to Hero, I think. This time last year. Then A-Z shortly followed. I seriously underestimated the mental energy reserves required for that. If I get my arse into gear now, I might just finish last year’s challenge before this year’s starts up again! 😀

    Liked by 4 people

      • I did! It was a Liebster.

        On the subject of awards, I have some ‘Versatile Blogger’ nominations to make and I’m happy to hand them out to anyone who wants one.

        Without wishing to hijack Gene’O’s thread (but then you did say it was an open one and we could just chat amongst ourselves) If anyone would like a Versatile Blogger Award then please just say so below. I’ll be writing the post and associated links at the weekend probably. 🙂 x


  5. I found you through Taylor Grace, both here and on Twitter – I think your exact words were ‘any friend of Taylor’s is a friend of mine’. You’ve influenced my social media habits considerably – I’m terrible when it comes to Facebook and Twitter, but you make it so much easier to engage with these platforms 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yes. I remember that very well 🙂 I recognized you from a word sprint. I still have the twitter list from it. Luther, Winter Bayne, Mishka, someone named E.B. that I see around and but don’t know, and a few others were in on that one, iirc.

      Thanks so much for chattering on the thread today. I wondered what it would do.

      The social media will get there. Takes time and patience. And friends 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • My guess would be That Montreal Girl, who, by the way, I have been assuming is just taking a break, but has not tweeted or updated her blog in so long I am getting ready to go and leave a comment saying I hope she is well. Almost a month it has been.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I really need to download the WP app and start keeping up via my phone. I try to catch up on blog posts on my reader at least a few times a week, but it’s difficult staying on top of fb, twitter and WP … I think I may hashtag this comment with ‘firstworldproblems’ 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    • There is really no telling, then. It’s all a mixed-up jumble. I know that by the time I discovered you on Twitter, I recognized the image from your gravatar. Thinking probably from Part Time Monster, but who really knows?


  7. I know I stumbled on your blog somehow, can’t really remember how. But boy, am I glad I did. I’ve been finding it interesting to look at different social circles within created communities (like WordPress), since I’ve noticed clear divides, interesting “gathering points” and some clear patterns that seem to reflect the social networking that we all do in our everyday life (and have been since we were kids.. think back to middle school, if you dare…). You are one of those “gathering points” — and cultivate the group that seems to best reflect my own interests 🙂
    One of these days, maybe, I will get around to writing a blog post of my observations… because it’s really interesting to see. In the meantime, I am enjoying getting introduced to all sorts of new blogs and people through you 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • That stuff fascinates me, too. One of the reasons I try to link to a lot of bloggers and share them, whether here, on Facebook, or Twitter. Even though I can’t read them all, I just never know which two bloggers might hit it off 🙂

      When I re-tooled this blog back in the fall and moved away from doing the Writing blog thing, I set it up to be a gathering point. There are a couple of other commenters on this thread whose blogs I think of in that way myself.

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  8. You already know how I started following This one and Sourcerer, etc. 🙂 What delights me is that through you I found the world known as ‘the blogosphere’ and all of these cool peeps. I have absolutely no idea why, but, that Disney song “When You Wish Upon A Star” just popped into my head and I can’t get the darn thing out now! 😀 Dreams do come true and I thank you my dear friend for all that you do. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      • LoL, I know. No worries. You amaze me with how you manage all that you do! E&P–She’s a dream come true and even though I’ve tossed my compass and am sailing happily without a ‘written in stone’ schedule now, I could not be happier with the result! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Is it awful that I can’t remember?? I’ve found people to read so many different ways that it just all runs together. I’m glad to be here though :).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nope. I am not sure how you got the name recognition with me, either. And yes it does run together. Anything that happened to me on the social media more than two months ago is fuzzy unless it was a really big deal.

      Liked by 2 people

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