ISO: 1,000 Voices for Compassion

Updated: The publication date is Feb. 20. The hashtag to use if you want to help this along is #1000Speak. (01/13)

I’ll make this quick. I’ve signed on to a project to get 1,000 bloggers to write about compassion and publish the pieces all on the same day. You are invited.

I already have my post idea. Once the date is set, I will make a decision about whether I can deliver or not. The writing schedule is TIGHT right now. Even if I can’t join in with a post, I’m giving this as much social media support as I can manage. There will be a hashtag, I am sure. And you know how much I love some hashtags. 😀

Here’s a Facebook group if you are interested.

 Meme discovered at Eco-Style Life Beau Monde

Meme discovered at Eco-Style Life Beau Monde

The project was inspired by this post at Considerings. And let me tell you, I think highly of both this blog and the blogger who writes it.

#SundayBlogShare bloggers, #WeekendCoffeeShare bloggers, #FeministFriday bloggers, #BlogPlotting fanatics:

Do you like this idea?

You can do it good, even if you can’t commit to writing a post. Help these nice folks find their thousand bloggers by mentioning it to your friends. I’ve put a lot of energy into bringing a big bunch of you together over the past year.

Arrr, Mateys!

Arrr, Mateys!

If you like the idea, pay my energy forward, would ya’?

And yes. You may have the jolly roger today!

(I am taking a page out of the WriteOnSisters! playbook and posting this so my European friends will see it early, if I did the math right. Leaving it at the top of the page until at least Friday.)

50 thoughts on “ISO: 1,000 Voices for Compassion

  1. Great idea Geno’O! I’m in, do you have a tentative, I’m about ready to leave on holiday. I will be out of touch with the internet a fair amount, but I will do what I can to support this.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: We ALL need The Village | Down Home Thoughts

      • #1: Covered, I think. 🙂 #2 (can’t resist) “But we ARE friends; very good friends, and have been for a while now!” LOL, I know, on Facebook. But, I just fired up “Day By Day” and then read your comment so, ‘Mischief Mode’ Engaged Cap’n! 😀 Seriously, I do need to get that in priority slot number one this week and this project is growing in my heart. I will be very honored to be a part of it. It may grow from 1000 to 10,000 before it’s done, but as with compassion, every drop matters. I just hope that ‘bug’ gets resolved quickly. I hate that happened. 😦

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on Sourcerer and commented:

    Reblogged for folks who live in the Pacific, because my smartphone tells me it is a good time to post in Sydney! Major announcement about the comics schedule coming tomorrow.


  4. Pingback: A fantastic idea | Taylor Grace

  5. Gene’O, when I clicked on the link to the original post at Considerings I get a WP page saying the blog has been suspended. You may want to update the link to something else or put a note in? Just a thought.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Reblogged this on Part Time Monster and commented:
    As a rule, Gene’O and I don’t reblog one another, but this has to be shared.

    We’ve recently joined an effort called 1,000 Voices for Compassion. The goal is to have 1,000 bloggers post about compassion on the same day, February 20. I get little goosebumps when I think about it.

    Gene’O has helpfully provided links to the social media groups for 1,000 Voices of Compassion and information on the project. We’re lending our voices to the project, and we hope others will as well.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yay! A reblog at the Monster!

      Gives me little goosebumps, too. Gretchen and I put our noggins together last night and decided to take that day as an off-week from the Feminist Fridays since we are all publishing these and should probably be visiting compassion posts that weekend instead of building a thread.

      Liked by 2 people

        • There is an opportunity for some subtle promotion in the schedule-sharing. Because if a gaggle of committed feminists are doing that instead???

          Must be worth doing. Was my thought, when Gretchen and I were deciding whether to do a tie-in or to take the break.


  7. Pingback: A fantastic idea | Down Home Thoughts

    • I hope your recovery is going well 🙂

      I was sitting on pins and needles over that publish date until it was decided. Was afraid it would end up being too soon. Feb. 20 seems to be about the right amount of time.


  8. Pingback: Posts I loved this week | Taylor Grace

  9. I am so excited to be participating in #1000Speak and an awesome by-product is discovering really cool blogs and bloggers I didn’t already follow! I’m looking forward to reading your post on February 20th (I know you’ll find the time to squeeze one out – you’re too invested to not).


  10. Pingback: The Sunday Post – Diverse Reading | Things Matter

  11. Pingback: #WeekendCoffeeShare: In which I have a Busy Schedule | Part Time Monster

  12. Pingback: #1000 Voices for Compassion on February 20 (and every day, don’t you think?) | Open Hearted Musings

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