Weekend Coffee Share Link-Up Announcement!

Featured Image -- 3218Haven’t posted at a good West Coast/Sydney time for awhile, so I’ll just put this here. If you are a fan of the weekend coffee, you want to check it out! I will have a bit to say about it in a post of my own soon.

If We Were Having Coffee . . . . . . (I Survived Another Year! Edition)


If we were having coffee, I would tell you I had an awesome Christmas.

Getty stock image.

Getty stock image.

I spent lots of time with my family, ate tons of good food, and my grandson has had a couple of fabulous days with his very first gaming console. If you’re wondering what I got for Christmas myself, I received a pair of texting gloves and a leatherbound planner with time zone tables in the back which is just perfect for keeping track of the social media. My family knows me pretty well 🙂

I’d tell you that even though I did not get as much done over the last couple of weeks as I’d hoped, I’m in good shape. I sent WordPress invitations to three new Sourcerer contributors last week. I have a Litflix on the latest Hobbit movie at Comparative Geeks today. People are sharing some of my posts on Facebook and liking a few of my status updates. Life in the blogosphere is good.

And I would tell you to look at the nominations in this award post at CompGeeks, if you’re looking to meet some nice bloggers. I am familiar with all but three of of those blogs, and most of the bloggers listed in that post are friends. Even though I recently went Award Neutral with Sourcerer, I may actually pass these on just to give you more links to friends’s blogs.

survivor-atoz [2014]And I’d tell you I have two more important posts coming before the new year. My revised April A to Z plan is up at Sourcerer, and tomorrow I am posting a timeline and explaining what I need from my friends to get the Feminist Friday Project rolling again.

I’d tell you I am planning to resume my photoblogging immediately after the new year, to announce new contributors at Sourcerer the first week of January, and to make some improvements here over the next couple of days.

Then I would wish you Happy New Year, and encourage you to keep blogging.

A Follow Friday for My Friend Hannah

I intended to post an info dump with a bunch of links to blogs and other articles on the Ferguson, Missouri situation today, but I had a chaotic morning and didn’t get it together. So I’m just going to do something nice for another blogger right this second, and I’ll get that post together as soon as I am able.

Hannah Givens of Things Matter just joined us on Twitter after a long absence over there, so I am giving her my one and only Follow Friday today. You can find her @HannahEGivens. I’m hoping that by only sending the one, and including the link to her blog, I can find Hannah a reader or two and a few blogger-friendly Tweeps. Here’s the Follow Friday tweet for your convenience. This is the corrected version, because the first one I sent was riddled with typos.

I discovered Hannah’s blog not long after I started here. I left her a few comments, we hit it off, and we’ve since become friends. She’s collaborated with Therefore I Geek on an editorial recently, and had an awesome guest blog at Comparative Geeks earlier this week.

Hannah’s friendly, she’s funny, and she comes up with some awesome ideas and posts. If you are looking to meet bloggers who are just plain cool and make an effort to answer comments when you leave them, you should check out Things Matter.